Embracing Your Flaws
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That's how the light get in
- Leonard Cohen, Anthem
Sometimes we are torment ourselves with things we couldn't change. We let ourselves fighting with what ifs and drown ourselves in a limbo of our past.
Sometimes it is easier to judge ourselves and blaming all the faults to ourselves even when it is not. Because saying 'I don't have option' or 'I can't do anything' sounds so helpless, and we don't like it.
However, those things don't have to rule our future. Those things may burnt our past with regrets, sadness and anger but tomorrow is ours to take.
We just have to be brave.
Learn to accept that there are things we couldn't change. That there are wounds that will never heal. And it is okay to feel weak sometimes, because it is scary and painful. But it is better if we can rise, and wearing our pain like it is a crown in our head.
Then we could learn about being beautiful.
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